GC Gradia Direct will provide you with aesthetic results due to its unique particle structure and light reflectiveness and its shade adaptation to the surrounding tooth structure.

When dealing with more demanding and complex cases, a combination of different shades enables unlimited aesthetic results. GC Gradia Direct offers you the complete assortment from bleach white to dark translucent to outside special shades.

Radiopaque GC Gradia Direct Posterior combines aesthetics with excellent mechanical properties by means of high fracture toughness to resist occlusal stress, high wear resistance and low wear on opposing dentition.

GC have developed a new shade guide that takes into account the chroma, hue and value of each composite shade whether you have opted for a single shade or if you are extensively restoring a tooth and require multiple shades. The shade guide incorporates two special shades, which are placed underneath or on top of a standard shade to further enhance your restoration.

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