
Bergström I, List T, et al. Acta Odontol Scand 2008; 66: 88–92

In the short term, a variety of different therapies are associated with the relief of symptoms for temporomandibular disorders (TMD). There is less data on long term outcomes. Sixty-five subjects, who had received treatment comprising acupuncture and/or interocclusal appliance therapy in a specialist TMD clinic, 18-20 years earlier, were mailed by a questionnaire asking a range of questions about long-term improvements. 'A total loss of 31% of the original patient sample', as stated in the discussion, would appear to be the drop-out from this study. Of those that completed the questionnaire, 90% reported that they had experienced severe symptoms before treatment and this had decreased to 40% after 18-20 years. Despite the majority of patients reporting long lasting improvements, previous TMD patients who have received treatment still suffered more symptoms 20 years later than the overall population.