
Splieth CH, Fleßa S Eur J Oral Sci 2008; 116: 164–169

In the former East Germany, use of fluorides was minimal until 1989, with fluoridated toothpaste reaching only 15% of the population. The present study used data from the former East and West parts of Germany to model lifetime reductions in the cost of treating caries when fluorides were applied in different ways.

From an epidemiological survey in East Germany, the mean cost of caries treatment over an individual lifetime, using 2007 German prices, was estimated as €6,976 for 34.8 fillings, 2.6 endodontic treatments, 1.6 crowns and 1.3 bridges. The least cost-intensive preventive scenario involved use of fluoridated salt, fluoride toothpaste, and weekly home applications of gel. When preventive programme costs were added to the lifetime caries treatment cost, the total was estimated as €482.