
Agudio G, Nieri M et al. J Periodontol 2008; 79: 587–594

In recession sites where free mucosal grafts have been performed, there has sometimes been a tendency for the gingival margin to creep coronally with time. In this Italian study of 224 teeth in 105 subjects (19 smokers), 76 teeth were treated with a graft placed at the gingival margin (MG), and 148 with a graft placed apically to the margin (SMG).

In the MG group, mean recession decreased from 3.2 to 2.1 mm 1 yr postoperatively, and to 1.3 mm at final follow-up after 10-25 yrs. Respective data for the SMG group were 2.2, 1.6 and 1.0 mm. The mean probing depth remained constant at 1 mm throughout. The authors noted that only 2 recessions increased slightly and attribute the protection of the vast majority of sites to the surgical procedure.