
Gorter RC, te Brake HJHM et al. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2008; 36: 47–54

Occupational stress is well-recognised in dentistry, and professional burnout (mental or emotional exhaustion, negative attitude towards patients and self) is a possible serious consequence in up to 15% of dentists. Work engagement (subdivided into vigour, dedication and absorption) has been proposed as the positive counterpart of burnout. A sample of 943 Dutch GDPs was approached for this survey, and 561 participated.

On a 5 point scale, mean scores for vigour, dedication and absorption were 3.95, 4.32 and 3.86. There was a moderate decline in each with age, but an increase in the 60-65 yr age group. Engagement was high in 15%, moderate in 73% and low in 12%. Of 8 specified 'job resources' (factors which give the dentist work satisfaction), the most important predictors for positive engagement were professional idealism and pride, and caring for patients.