
Jansson L J Clin Periodontol 2008; 35: 379–384

Studies have suggested that alcohol consumption is associated with tooth loss, and increased caries and periodontal disease have been reported with higher intakes. This paper reports findings of a longitudinal dental study of 513 subjects examined in Stockholm county in 1970 and 1990.

Stratified in 1 unit (1cl ethanol) bands for subjects taking 0 to >5 units/day, significant but small associations were found for caries, apical lesions, restorations and calculus, but not for number of teeth, gingival bleeding, bone level or tooth loss over the 20 yrs. Stepwise regression identified greater increases in caries, calculus and apical lesions as related to an intake of > 5 units/day. Subjects at this level were also more erratic in their dental attendance.