
Jung RE, Pjetursson BE et al. Clin Oral Impl Res 2008; 19: 119–130

At 5 yrs, survival of cantilever and conventional fixed bridges is about 93-94%. The current review was undertaken to assess survival of implant-supported single crowns (SCs) in comparison. From 3,601 papers, 26 cohort studies were identified, including 1,558 implants in patients aged 13-94 yrs.

The studies reported 30 implants lost before loading and 24 lost in function. The 5 yr implant survival rate was estimated as 96.8% (CI: 95.9 - 97.6). Reconstruction survival was assessed in 13 studies with a total of 534 SCs as 90-100%; in 15 cases, implant loss accounted for SC loss, but in 18 cases, the reconstruction failed. The overall 5 yr SC survival rate was 94.5% (92.5 – 95.9).