Correction to: npj Urban Sustainability, published online 12 January 2022

The original version of this Article contained a typographic error in the Abstract: “an average 10.14 hives per km2 (9370 in total)” should have read “an average 8.1 hives per km2 (6370 in total)”.

The authors also became aware of an inaccurate assumption in the original version of the paper, which incorrectly read “we additionally considered different carrying capacity scenarios, ranging from 0.5 to an unrealistic value of 75 hives per km2” in the second last sentence of the first paragraph in the section “Assessing the sustainability of urban beekeeping” under Results. In the corrected version, “ranging from 0.5 to” is replaced by “ranging from 1 to” to avoid confusion.

This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.