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Enabling collaborative governance of medical AI

Medical artificial intelligence needs governance to ensure safety and effectiveness, not just centrally (for example, by the US Food and Drug Administration) but also locally to account for differences in care, patients and system performance. Practical collaborative governance will enable health systems to carry out these challenging governance tasks, supported by central regulators.

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This research is funded in part by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, through grant GBMF10849 to Duke University to support the work of Health AI Partnership; and in part by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, through grant NNF17SA027784 for a scientifically independent Collaborative Research Programme in Biomedical Innovation Law.

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Correspondence to W. Nicholson Price II.

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W.N.P. declares no competing interests. M.P.S. is a co-inventor of intellectual property licensed by Duke University to Clinetic, Inc., KelaHealth, Inc. and Cohere-Med, Inc. M.P.S. holds equity in Clinetic, Inc. S.B. is a co-inventor of intellectual property licensed by Duke University to Clinetic, Inc. and Cohere-Med, Inc. K.S.’s institution receives grant funding from the US National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Teva Pharmaceuticals for unrelated work. K.S. previously served on a scientific advisory board for Flatiron Health and received consulting fees.

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Nature Machine Intelligence thanks Vasiliki Rahimzadeh for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Price, W.N., Sendak, M., Balu, S. et al. Enabling collaborative governance of medical AI. Nat Mach Intell 5, 821–823 (2023).

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