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Uncertainty-guided dual-views for semi-supervised volumetric medical image segmentation


Deep learning has led to tremendous progress in the field of medical artificial intelligence. However, training deep-learning models usually require large amounts of annotated data. Annotating large-scale datasets is prone to human biases and is often very laborious, especially for dense prediction tasks such as image segmentation. Inspired by semi-supervised algorithms that use both labelled and unlabelled data for training, we propose a dual-view framework based on adversarial learning for segmenting volumetric images. In doing so, we use critic networks to allow each view to learn from high-confidence predictions of the other view by measuring a notion of uncertainty. Furthermore, to jointly learn the dual-views and the critics, we formulate the learning problem as a min–max problem. We analyse and contrast our proposed method against state-of-the-art baselines, both qualitatively and quantitatively, on four public datasets with multiple modalities (for example, computerized topography and magnetic resonance imaging) and demonstrate that the proposed semi-supervised method substantially outperforms the competing baselines while achieving competitive performance compared to fully supervised counterparts. Our empirical results suggest that an uncertainty-guided co-training framework can make two neural networks robust to data artefacts and have the ability to generate plausible segmentation masks that can be helpful for semi-automated segmentation processes.

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Fig. 1: Overview of the uncertainty-guided dual-view learning network architecture.
Fig. 2: Experimental results analysis with semi-supervised and fully supervised baselines on the NIH Pancreas CT dataset.
Fig. 3: More experimental results on the Co-BioNet framework.
Fig. 4: In-depth analysis of model accuracy.
Fig. 5: Ablation studies performed on the Pancreas CT dataset.

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Data availability

To evaluate our pipeline we used publicly available datasets: the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Pancreas CT Dataset28,29, the 2018 Left Atrial Segmentation Challenge Dataset30, and the Medical Segmentation Decathlon (MSD) BraTS dataset and BraTS Challenge 2022 multi-institutional routine clinically acquired multi-parametric MRI (mpMRI) dataset. The NIH Panceas CT dataset is available at refs. 29,52,54, the 2018 Left Atrial (LA) Segmentation Challenge dataset is available at ref. 55, the MSD BraTS dataset is available at ref. 31, and the BraTS Challenge 2022 mpMRI dataset is available at refs. 37,38,39,40,41. Preprocessing scripts for the NIH Pancreas CT dataset are available at ref. 23. The preprocessed LA dataset is available at ref. 26.

Code availability

The code was implemented in Python using the deep learning framework PyTorch56. The code is publicly available at ref. 57. All the pre-trained model weights and supplementary results can be found in Figshare58. The source code is provided under an MIT licence.


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This work was supported by funding from The Australian Research Council Discovery Program (DP210101863 and DP230101176).

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H.P. and M. Harandi conceived the initial idea and planned the experiments. H.P. developed the core theory, designed the model and computational framework and analysed data. M. Harandi directed the project. H.P., M. Harandi and M. Hayat interpreted the results. M. Harandi, Z.C., G.E. and M. Hayat provided scientific insights on the applications and supervised the study. H.P., M. Harandi and M. Hayat wrote the manuscript, with feedback from all other authors. All the authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Himashi Peiris.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Machine Intelligence thanks Xiaosong Wang and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Comparison of qualitative segmentation masks.

Comparison generated from models trained on 10% of NIH Pancreas CT labelled data.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Comparison of qualitative segmentation masks.

Comparison generated from models trained on 20% of NIH Pancreas CT labelled data.

Extended Data Fig. 3 Experimental result analysis with semi-supervised baselines on 2018 Left Atrial Segmentation Challenge dataset.

a, Comparison of accuracy scores for models trained with 10% and 20% of labeled data. b, Patient MRI scan on three anatomical planes: Axial, Sagittal, and Coronal. The Co-BioNet produces a segmentation mask on three anatomical planes for the region of interest. c, The performance comparison on distance measurement scores for models trained on 10% and 20% labeled data. d, The clustered bar chart shows performance scores for Co-BioNet with a fully-supervised learning method on three labeled data settings (10%, 20%, and 100%). e, A reel of images shows a qualitative comparison of representative images from the LA MRI dataset, overlaying with the ground truth(expert annotation), predicted segmentation masks, and the corresponding segmented volume. Predictions generated for models trained with 10% labeled data. f, Predictions generated for models trained with 20% labeled data. (See Extended Data Fig. 4 & Extended Data Fig. 5 for more qualitative results).

Extended Data Fig. 4 Comparison of qualitative segmentation masks.

Comparison generated from the models trained on 10% of 2018 Left Atrial Segmentation Challenge labelled data.

Extended Data Fig. 5 Comparison of qualitative segmentation masks.

Comparison generated from the models trained on 20% of 2018 Left Atrial Segmentation Challenge labelled data.

Extended Data Fig. 6 Predictions generated from segmentation network and critic network.

Predictions for Co-BioNet trained on 20% of Pancreas CT labelled data.

Extended Data Fig. 7 Quantitative trend analysis on the Co-BioNet framework.

Quantitative trend analysis for different Pancreas CT and LA MRI labelled data portions.

Extended Data Table 1 Quantitative comparison of segmentation accuracy scores for the predictions generated for the multi-modal BraTS 2022 dataset

Supplementary information

Supplementary Information

Supplementary Tables 1–7.

Reporting Summary

Supplementary Data 1

Co-BioNet performance scores for Pancreas CT individual test case.

Supplementary Data 2

MC-Net+ performance scores for Pancreas CT individual test case.

Supplementary Data 3

Co-BioNet performance scores for LA MRI individual test case.

Supplementary Data 4

MC-Net+ performance scores for LA MRI individual test case.

Supplementary Data 5

Co-BioNet performance scores for MSD BraTS MRI test cases.

Supplementary Data 6

MC-Net+ performance scores for MSD BraTS MRI test cases.

Supplementary Data 7

P-value calculation.

Supplementary Data 8

Trend analysis on Pancreas CT test cases.

Supplementary Data 9

CKA values for model layers trained on Pancreas 10% labelled data.

Supplementary Data 10

CKA values for model layers trained on Pancreas 20% labelled data.

Supplementary Data 11

Values to construct box plot.

Supplementary Code 1

Zip file containing all the scripts and instructions to train and test Co-BioNet.

Supplementary Video 1

Video on end-to-end training of Co-BioNet.

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Peiris, H., Hayat, M., Chen, Z. et al. Uncertainty-guided dual-views for semi-supervised volumetric medical image segmentation. Nat Mach Intell 5, 724–738 (2023).

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