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A multi-modal pre-training transformer for universal transfer learning in metal–organic frameworks


Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) are a class of crystalline porous materials that exhibit a vast chemical space owing to their tunable molecular building blocks with diverse topologies. An unlimited number of MOFs can, in principle, be synthesized. Machine learning approaches can help to explore this vast chemical space by identifying optimal candidates with desired properties from structure–property relationships. Here we introduce MOFTransformer, a multi-modal Transformer encoder pre-trained with 1 million hypothetical MOFs. This multi-modal model utilizes integrated atom-based graph and energy-grid embeddings to capture both local and global features of MOFs, respectively. By fine-tuning the pre-trained model with small datasets ranging from 5,000 to 20,000 MOFs, our model achieves state-of-the-art results for predicting across various properties including gas adsorption, diffusion, electronic properties, and even text-mined data. Beyond its universal transfer learning capabilities, MOFTransformer generates chemical insights by analyzing feature importance through attention scores within the self-attention layers. As such, this model can serve as a platform for other MOF researchers that seek to develop new machine learning models for their work.

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Fig. 1: Overall schematics and architecture of MOFTransformer.
Fig. 2: Relationship between global and local features and MOF properties.
Fig. 3: Results of pre-training and fine-tuning.
Fig. 4: Schematics of attention scores in IRMOF-1.
Fig. 5: Feature importance analysis with attention scores.

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Data availability

Data used in this work are available via Figshare ( This provides the pre-trained model and the atom-based graph embeddings and the energy-grid embeddings used as inputs of the MOFTransformer for CoREMOF, QMOF database as well as fine-tuning data. In addition, The UFF-optimized CIF files of hMOFs used in this work are available via Figshare (

Code availability

The MOFTransformer library is available at ref. 55. Documents for the library are available at, which provides up-to-date documentation for pre-training, fine-tuning and feature importance analysis with MOFTransformer. For the sake of reproducibility, all results in this paper are obtained from version 1.0.1 of the MOFTransformer library, which is available at


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H.P., Y.K. and J.K. acknowledge funding from the National Research Foundation of Korea under project numbers 2021M3A7C208974513 and 2021R1A2C2003583. This work was supported by the National Supercomputing Center with supercomputing resources including technical support (KSC-2021-CRE-0460). B.S. is supported by the PrISMa Project, which is funded through the ACT programme (Accelerating CCS Technologies, Horizon2020 project number 294766). Financial contributions were made by Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) together with extra funding from Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK; Research Council of Norway (RCN), Norway; Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), Switzerland and the United States Department of Energy (US-DOE), USA, are gratefully acknowledged. Additional financial support from TOTAL and Equinor, is also gratefully acknowledged.

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Y.K. and H.P. contributed equally to this work. Y.K. and H.P. developed MOFTransformer and wrote the paper with J.K. The paper was written through the contributions of all authors. All authors have given approval for the final version of the paper.

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Correspondence to Jihan Kim.

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Kang, Y., Park, H., Smit, B. et al. A multi-modal pre-training transformer for universal transfer learning in metal–organic frameworks. Nat Mach Intell 5, 309–318 (2023).

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