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Geometric deep learning on molecular representations


Geometric deep learning (GDL) is based on neural network architectures that incorporate and process symmetry information. GDL bears promise for molecular modelling applications that rely on molecular representations with different symmetry properties and levels of abstraction. This Review provides a structured and harmonized overview of molecular GDL, highlighting its applications in drug discovery, chemical synthesis prediction and quantum chemistry. It contains an introduction to the principles of GDL, as well as relevant molecular representations, such as molecular graphs, grids, surfaces and strings, and their respective properties. The current challenges for GDL in the molecular sciences are discussed, and a forecast of future opportunities is attempted.

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Fig. 1: Exemplary molecular representations for a selected molecule.
Fig. 2: Deep learning on molecular graphs.
Fig. 3: Chemical language modelling.

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This research was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF, grant no. 205321_182176) and the ETH RETHINK initiative.

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Correspondence to Francesca Grisoni or Gisbert Schneider.

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G.S. declares a potential financial conflict of interest as co-founder of LLC, Zurich, and in his role as scientific consultant to the pharmaceutical industry.

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Nature Machine Intelligence thanks Jonathan Hirst and Oliver Wieder for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Atz, K., Grisoni, F. & Schneider, G. Geometric deep learning on molecular representations. Nat Mach Intell 3, 1023–1032 (2021).

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