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High-resolution radar road segmentation using weakly supervised learning

An Author Correction to this article was published on 10 February 2021

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Autonomous driving has recently gained lots of attention due to its disruptive potential and impact on the global economy; however, these high expectations are hindered by strict safety requirements for redundant sensing modalities that are each able to independently perform complex tasks to ensure reliable operation. At the core of an autonomous driving algorithmic stack is road segmentation, which is the basis for numerous planning and decision-making algorithms. Radar-based methods fail in many driving scenarios, mainly as various common road delimiters barely reflect radar signals, coupled with a lack of analytical models for road delimiters and the inherit limitations in radar angular resolution. Our approach is based on radar data in the form of a two-dimensional complex range-Doppler array as input into a deep neural network (DNN) that is trained to semantically segment the drivable area using weak supervision from a camera. Furthermore, guided back propagation was utilized to analyse radar data and design a novel perception filter. Our approach creates the ability to perform road segmentation in common driving scenarios based solely on radar data and we propose to utilize this method as an enabler for redundant sensing modalities for autonomous driving.

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Fig. 1: Sample frames from the dataset collected.
Fig. 2: Conventional CFAR filter limitation.
Fig. 3: Sample results from the validation dataset.
Fig. 4: Evaluation metrics used for assessing performance.
Fig. 5: Sensing modalities failure cases.
Fig. 6: Radar perception filter and comparison to conventional CFAR-based filtering.

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The data generated to support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request and for non-commercial purposes only.

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The code that supports the findings of this study is available at

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We thank H. Damari for assembling the dataset and H. Omer, Z. Iluz, Y. Avargel, L. Korkidi, M. Raifel, K. Twizer, P. Fidelman and N. Orr for their insights and advice.

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I.O. conceived the study and conducted training. All authors contributed to the design of the study, interpreting the results and writing the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Itai Orr.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Peer review information Nature Machine Intelligence thanks Zdenka Babić and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Additional sample results from the validation dataset.

Blurry images were caused by rain droplets on the camera lens. Left column shows range-Doppler maps in dB. Middle column shows the suggested radar-based DNN prediction overlayed on a camera image, values are confidence level on a scale of (0,1). Right column shows the corresponding camera pseudo label generated from a camera-based DNN, values are confidence level on a scale of (0,1).

Extended Data Fig. 2 Camera label projection to RADAR coordinate frame.

A sample of urban scene from the validation dataset showing the camera pseudo label projected on to cartesian coordinates. (a); camera image overlayed with a camera pseudo label, values are confidence level on a scale of (0,1). (b); displays the associated radar data in cartesian representation with values displayed in dB. (c); radar data in cartesian coordinates with values displayed in dB. Overlayed on top (in black) is the projected camera pseudo label. This sample frame further illustrates the lack of distinguishable features associated with common road delimiters such as sidewalks and curbstones. Note that the projected label minimum range is 4.5m due to the camera’s ground clearance.

Extended Data Fig. 3 Filter correlation heatmap.

Comparison between conventional CFAR and the suggested perception filter. The results were averaged over the validation dataset. Y axis represents the conventional CFAR threshold in dB and X axis represents the perception filter on a scale of (0,1). High correlation between the two filters would have created a diagonal heatmap with IoU values close to 1. However, these results show low correlation with low IoU values between the two methods which further suggests the perception filter eliminates data based on context as well as SNR.

Extended Data Fig. 4 Training methodology.

A camera-based DNN is trained on a publicly available dataset and used to create pseudo labels for a RADAR-based DNN. The radar and camera data are temporally synced and spatially overlapped. Radar pre-processing includes windowing and 2D FFT on the sweeps and samples dimensions to create a complex 2D array of range-Doppler maps. The radar model is trained using segmentation loss to identify the drivable area.

Extended Data Fig. 5 Model architecture.

Based on encoder-decoder Unet architecture with channel attention mechanism to encourage learnable cross channel correlations.

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Orr, I., Cohen, M. & Zalevsky, Z. High-resolution radar road segmentation using weakly supervised learning. Nat Mach Intell 3, 239–246 (2021).

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