Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 01 February 2024

The original version of this Article contained an error in the legend of Figure 3.

Figure 3. Survival curves for 8 purebreds: Border Collie (dark blue, x̃ = 13.1), Border Terrier (light blue, x̃ = 14.2), Bulldog (green, x̃ = 9.8), French Bulldog (red, x̃ = 9.8), Labrador Retriever (orange, x̃ = 13.1), Mastiff (purple, x̃ = 9.0), Miniature Dachshund (pink, x̃ = 12.2) and Pug (brown, x̃ = 11.6).”

now reads:

Figure 3. Survival curves for 8 purebreds: Border Collie (dark blue, x̃ = 13.1), Border Terrier (light blue, x̃ = 14.2), Bulldog (green, x̃ = 9.8), French Bulldog (red, x̃ = 9.8), Labrador Retriever (orange, x̃ = 13.1), Mastiff (purple, x̃ = 9.0), Miniature Dachshund (pink, x̃ = 14.0) and Pug (brown, x̃ = 11.6).”

The original Article has been corrected.