Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 26 January 2021

The original version of this Article contained errors in the Material and Methods section under subheading ‘Study population’,

“Therefore, 153 adult patients were eligible for evaluation in the study, including 71 patients with unilateral mild pneumonia, 60 patients with pulmonary small nodule (major diameter ≤ 1 cm) and 21 patients with no lesion in chest CT scan but chronic cough or occasional bloody sputum.”

now reads:

“Therefore, 153 adult patients were eligible for evaluation in the study, including 72 patients with unilateral mild pneumonia, 60 patients with pulmonary small nodule (major diameter ≤ 1 cm) and 21 patients with no lesion in chest CT scan but chronic cough or occasional bloody sputum.”

Furthermore, in the Material and Methods section under subheading ‘Measurements.’,

“Similarly, the length of right main bronchi was to calculate the distance from left carina 2 to the carina and the length of left main bronchi was to measure the distance from right carina 1 to the carina.”

now reads:

“Similarly, the length of right main bronchi was to calculate the distance from right carina 1 to the carina and the length of left main bronchi was to measure the distance from left carina 2 to the carina.”

Lastly, in the Results section,

“However, height between men and women was significantly different either.”

now reads:

“However, height between men and women was significantly different.”

The original Article has been corrected.