Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 20 June 2019

This Article contains errors.

In the Introduction,

“For example Amazon river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) and tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis) in Brazil are fed from floatation platforms on the Amazon river that also allow tourists to swim with these wild dolphins18”.

should read:

“For example Amazon river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) in Brazil are fed from floatation platforms on the Amazon river that also allow tourists to swim with these wild dolphins18”.

Additionally, in the Analyses section under subheading ‘Female reproductive success’,

“where Pr(H1)/Pr(H0) are the prior distribution while the ratio of probability of the two hypotheses f (data|H1)/f (data|H0) is the Bayes factor64, that could be directly interpreted as evidence in support of a hypothesis given the data63.”

should read:

“where Pr(H1)/Pr(H0) are the prior distribution while the ratio of probability of the two hypotheses f (data|H1)/f (data|H0) is the Bayes factor64, that could be directly interpreted as a measure of the evidence in support of H1 relative to H0 given the data and priors (aka the odds of H1 relative to H0; 63).”

Finally, in the Legend of Figure 2,

“The whiskers (dotted lines) represent the range of the data.”

should read:

“The whiskers (dotted lines) indicates data variability outside the upper and lower quartile.”