Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 12 March 2020

This Article contains typographical errors.

In the Results under subheading ‘Gap closure and genome analysis’,

“A draft genome sequence consisting of 1,551,181 bp with a GC content of 31.7% was obtained by the assembly of the NGS sequence and Sanger sequencing of the 9 gap regions.”

should read:

“A draft genome sequence consisting of 155,181 bp with a GC content of 31.7% was obtained by the assembly of the NGS sequence and Sanger sequencing of the 9 gap regions.”

In the Discussion,

“The gap-closed sequence consisted of 1,551,181 bp with a GC content of 31.7% and 159 predicted ORFs.”

should read:

“The gap-closed sequence consisted of 155,181 bp with a GC content of 31.7% and 159 predicted ORFs.”