Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 02 March 2020

The Acknowledgements section in this Article is incomplete.

“We thank Dorothea Heinrich, Jessica Stapel (FU Berlin) and Claudia Schulz (TU Berlin) for the preparation

of CcO samples. We also would like to thank Ernst-Walter Knapp for his support in the calculations and Peter

Hildebrandt for allowing us to measure in his lab. Financial support was provided by the German Research

Foundation through the SFB 1078, projects A1, B4 and C2.”

should read:

“We thank Dorothea Heinrich, Jessica Stapel (FU Berlin) and Claudia Schulz (TU Berlin) for the preparation

of CcO samples. We also would like to thank Ernst-Walter Knapp for his support in the calculations and Peter

Hildebrandt for allowing us to measure in his lab. Financial support was provided by the German Research

Foundation through the SFB 1078, projects A1, B4 and C2. Open Access Funding by the Publication Fund of the

TU Dresden.”