Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 18 February 2019

This Article contains errors in the Results section where,

“This corresponds to the same effect of complete vaccination coverage in the case of poor ventilation rates, as shown in Fig. 6B. In the combined droplet-aerosol scenario, improvements of ventilation still results in a significant decrease of outbreak sizes. In particular, Fig. 6 A shows that in the combined droplet-aerosol model, a good ventilation would have a similar effect to a 50–60% vaccination coverage in the poor ventilation scenario.”

should read:

“This corresponds to the same effect of complete vaccination coverage in the case of poor ventilation rates, as shown in Fig. 6 A. In the combined droplet-aerosol scenario, improvements of ventilation still result in a significant decrease of outbreak sizes. In particular, Fig. 6B shows that in the combined droplet-aerosol model, a good ventilation would have a similar effect to a 50–60% vaccination coverage in the poor ventilation scenario.”