Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 31 October 2019

The Acknowledgements section in this Article is incomplete.

“We are grateful to all pregnant women who participated in the study. We thank all CERMEL personnel for their exceptional assistance, and we are indebted to the midwives at the General Hospital and those at HAS, as well as the co-workers at CERMEL. Claudia de Dood (LUMC, Cell and Chemical Biology department) is acknowledged for preparing the UCP-LF CAA test materials and performing the CAA assays on the plasma and urine samples. This work was supported and funded by DZIF TI 07.003 and DFG CO 1469/8-1.”

should read:

“We are grateful to all pregnant women who participated in the study. We thank all CERMEL personnel for their exceptional assistance, and we are indebted to the midwives at the General Hospital and those at HAS, as well as the co-workers at CERMEL. Claudia de Dood (LUMC, Cell and Chemical Biology department) is acknowledged for preparing the UCP-LF CAA test materials and performing the CAA assays on the plasma and urine samples. This work was supported and funded by DZIF TI 07.003, DFG CO 1469/8-1 and DFG CO 1469/14-1.”