Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 11 June 2019

The Supplementary Information file that accompanies this article contains errors.

In the legend of Supplementary Figure S3 where:

“The structure of wild-type endo-levanase (dark blue) is superimposed on the structure of E221A mutant (light blue). Levantetraose (magenta) and water molecules are from the E221A structure. Fructose-binding subsites, catalytic amino acids, two alternate conformations of Gln239, and C2, O6, and C6 from β-2,6-linkage are designated.”

should read:

“The structure of wild-type endo-levanase (light blue) is superimposed on the structure of E221A mutant (dark blue). Levantetraose (magenta) and water molecules are from the E221A structure. Fructose-binding subsites, catalytic amino acids, two alternate conformations of Gln239, as well as C2, O6 and C6 from β-2,6-linkage are designated.”

In the legend of Supplementary Figure S5 where:

“The images were not digitally modified except for applying grayscale mode, the originals are presented in Supplementary Figure S5.”

should read:

“The images were not digitally modified except for applying grayscale mode, the originals are presented in Supplementary Figure S6.”