Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 02 May 2018

This Article contains in-text referencing errors.

Table 1 contains an error in the legend where,

“*Injected volume is unlimited, although total amount of injected sample is restricted by the column capacity. For Mono Q HR 5/5 (GE) the loading capacity is ~25 mg protein33.”

should read:

“*Injected volume is unlimited, although total amount of injected sample is restricted by the column capacity. For Mono Q HR 5/5 (GE) the loading capacity is ~25 mg protein29.”

In the Materials and Methods section, under the subheading ‘IEX-MALS experiments’,

“Equation 129 was used for the correction of dn/dc value for each eluted peak in IEX-MALS experiments:”

should read:

“Equation 130 was used for the correction of dn/dc value for each eluted peak in IEX-MALS experiments:”

In the same section,

“The specific protein volume - \(\bar{v}\) was determined as 0.73 mL/g, an average value for proteins30. Increase of 0.00085 in n (solvent), equals to increase of 85 mM NaCl, leading to decrease of 0.0011 in dn/dc31.”

should read:

“The specific protein volume - \(\bar{v}\) was determined as 0.73 mL/g, an average value for proteins31. Increase of 0.00085 in n (solvent), equals to increase of 85 mM NaCl, leading to decrease of 0.0011 in dn/dc32.”


“For every 85 mM shift in NaCl concentration, a change of 0.008 cP in the viscosity is introduced31.”

should read:

“For every 85 mM shift in NaCl concentration, a change of 0.008 cP in the viscosity is introduced32.”

Finally, in the Materials and Methods section, under the subheading ‘Native and SDS-PAGE protein gels’,

“Several fractions from the Mono-Q run of hoefavidin variant were analyzed using native PAGE32.”

should read:

“Several fractions from the Mono-Q run of hoefavidin variant were analyzed using native PAGE33.”