Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 16 August 2017

In the original version of this Article, the following text was omitted from the Data Availability section:

“Additional full data for all plots in “Seasonal total methane depletion in limestone caves” is available; Waring, Chris L; Hankin, Stuart I; Griffith, David W T; Kettlewell, Graham (2017): Continuous 3-year record of cave methane, trace gases and environmental data collected in Jenolan Caves, Australia. PANGAEA, now available at the PANGAEA data repository.”

In addition, the Supplementary Information file was incorrectly titled ‘Data in “ Seasonal total methane depletion in limestone caves” is available;Waring, Chris L; Hankin, Stuart I; Griffith, David W T; Kettlewell, Graham (2017): Continuous 3-year record of cave methane, trace gases and environmental data collected in Jenolan Caves, Australia. PANGAEA,’.

These errors have now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.