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Nanotherapeutics for cardiovascular disease

Nanotherapies are emerging rapidly as options to treat cardiovascular disease. However, insufficient and heterogeneous delivery remain critical issues. Novel strategies to boost targeted delivery of systemically administered nanoparticles by optimizing the particle physical properties or using immune cells as carriers promise to increase nanotherapeutic effectiveness in cardiovascular and other inflammatory diseases.

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Fig. 1: Systemic nanoparticle delivery strategies in vivo: free nanoparticles versus an immune cell ‘Trojan horse’.


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The author is grateful to the funding agencies AHA Transformational Project Award 18TPA34230113 and NIH grant R01 CA244491, and to Y. Zhang (MSU, USA) for initial figure preparation and A. Alessio for discussion (MSU, USA).

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Correspondence to Bryan Ronain Smith.

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Smith, B.R. Nanotherapeutics for cardiovascular disease. Nat Rev Cardiol 18, 617–618 (2021).

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