Correction to: Nature Climate Change, published online 9 October 2023.

In the version of the article originally published, an estimate of mean and seasonal Gulf Stream structure using only glider observations through 2 June 2022 was inadvertently used to estimate the translation rate of the Gulf Stream and to evaluate the fraction of observed variance removed when computing property anomalies. In this corrected version of the article, an estimate of mean and seasonal Gulf Stream structure from glider observations through 30 May 2023 [ref. 60:] is used for all calculations, as indicated in the originally published text. This correction results in the inferred shoreward translation rate changing from 0.5 ± 0.2 km yr–1 to 0.6 ± 0.3 km yr–1 and the downward shifting rate changing from 0.8 ± 0.5 m yr–1 to 0.7 ± 0.5 m yr–1. In addition, the depth to which temperature variance is reduced by at least 80% increases from 890 m to 990 m. We also take the opportunity to correct minor mistakes in the text. A significant warming trend is found to a depth of 990 m as shown in Fig. 3a rather than 890 m as originally written. In the next to last paragraph of the Methods section, the matrix transpose is now properly indicated by a superscript. These changes do not affect the fundamental results of the analysis.