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Detecting climate signals cascading through levels of biological organization


Threats to species under climate change can be understood as a time at which the signal of climate change in ecological processes emerges from the noise of ecosystem variability, defined as ‘time of emergence’ (ToE). Here we show that ToE for the great tit (Parus major) will occur earlier at the level of population size than trait (laying date) and vital rates (survival, recruitment) under the RCP 8.5 scenario, suggesting an amplified climate change signal at the population level. ToE thus varies across levels of biological organization that filter trends and variability in climate differently. This has implications for the detection of climate impacts on wild species, as a shift in population size may precede changes in traits and vital rates. Further work would need to identify the ecological level that may experience an earlier detection of the climate signal for species with contrasting life histories, climate trends and variability.

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Fig. 1: Schematic illustration of the general approach.
Fig. 2: Caterpillar peak dates, great tit laying dates and their mismatch forecasted under global warming in the studied great tit population between 1920 and 2100.
Fig. 3: ToE from caterpillar peak dates to population size in the Hoge Veluwe great tit population.

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Data availability

Data used in the analysis are available at Data on past observed beech crop index, past observed mismatch between laying dates and food peaks, expected spring temperature according to the RCP 8.5 scenario, past observed annual age-specific population size and vital rates and their variance are provided.

Code availability

R code used for the analysis is available at


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We are grateful to all those who have collected data and to L. Vernooij and J. Risse for maintaining the long-term great tit database. We thank the board of the National Park of Hoge Veluwe for permission to carry out our research in their park. This work was supported by the Research Council of Norway through its Centres of Excellence funding scheme, project number 223257, by NASA grant number 80NSSC20K1289 to S.J. and by the CNRS.

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All the authors conceived the research idea. M.G. and S.J. designed the methodology and carried out the formal analysis. M.E.V. undertook data acquisition and M.E.V. and B.-E.S. funding acquisition. M.G. wrote the original draft and created the visuals and all authors were involved with reviewing and editing the manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Marlène Gamelon.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Climate Change thanks Qing Zhao and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Forecast of food peak dates, laying dates and mismatch under the RCP 8.5 scenario in the studied population between 1920 and 2100, when all sources of uncertainties are accounted for in the projections.

Black line corresponds to the median, shaded dark gray corresponds to 66% and light gray to 95% prediction intervals. Vertical dotted lines indicate the historical period (1922–1950), horizontal line indicates the lower bound of the 66% interval during that period for food peak dates and laying dates and indicates the upper bound of the interval for the mismatch. Vertical red lines correspond to the time of emergence (ToE). In yellow, annual observed values between 1985 and 2020 are provided.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Directed acyclic graph of the integrated population model (IPM). Squares represent the data, circles represent the parameters to be estimated.

Arrows represent dependencies. Three types of demographic data are collected: CMR data (m), count data (C) and fecundity data (number of daughters locally recruited (J) and number of mothers (B) in each age class i at year t). Parameters estimated with the IPM are the annual recapture probability pt, annual age-specific survival Si,t, annual age-specific recruitment Ri,t, annual number of immigrants Nimt and annual population size Nt.

Extended Data Fig. 3 Two extreme scenarios of beech crop production (scenarios 1 and 2).

Displayed are the probabilities of having a year of high BCI (level 3)). Black lines correspond to the median, shaded dark gray corresponds to 66% and light gray to 95% prediction intervals.

Extended Data Fig. 4 Age-specific vital rates, number of immigrants and population size forecasted in the studied great tit population between 1920 and 2100, when climate uncertainty is accounted for in the projections, under a scenario of decreasing beech crop production (scenario 1).

Each line corresponds to one climate scenario (40 in total), and the black lines correspond to the mean. Vertical dotted lines indicate the historical period (1922–1950), horizontal lines indicate the lower bound of the 66% interval during that period. Vertical red lines correspond to the time of emergence (ToE).

Extended Data Fig. 5 Age-specific vital rates, number of immigrants and population size forecasted in the studied great tit population between 1920 and 2100, when all sources of ecological uncertainties are accounted for in the projections, under a scenario of decreasing beech crop production (scenario 1).

Black lines correspond to the median, shaded dark gray corresponds to 66% and light gray to 95% prediction intervals. Vertical dotted lines indicate the historical period (1922–1950), horizontal line indicates the lower bound of the 66% interval during that period. Vertical red line corresponds to the time of emergence (ToE).

Extended Data Fig. 6 Age-specific vital rates, number of immigrants and population size forecasted in the studied great tit population between 1920 and 2100, when climate uncertainty is accounted for in the projections, under a scenario of increasing beech crop production (scenario 2).

Each line corresponds to one climate scenario (40 in total), and the black lines correspond to the mean. Vertical dotted lines indicate the historical period (1922–1950), horizontal lines indicate the upper bound of the 66% interval during that period. Vertical red lines correspond to the time of emergence (ToE).

Extended Data Fig. 7 Age-specific vital rates, number of immigrants and population size forecasted in the studied great tit population between 1920 and 2100, when all sources of ecological uncertainties are accounted for in the projections, under a scenario of increasing beech crop production (scenario 2).

Black lines correspond to the median, shaded dark gray corresponds to 66% and light gray to 95% prediction intervals. Vertical dotted lines indicate the historical period (1922–1950), horizontal line indicates the upper bound of the 66% interval during that period. Vertical red line corresponds to the time of emergence (ToE).

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Gamelon, M., Jenouvrier, S., Lindner, M. et al. Detecting climate signals cascading through levels of biological organization. Nat. Clim. Chang. 13, 985–989 (2023).

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