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Residual penile curvature correction by modeling during penile prosthesis implantation in Peyronie’s disease patients


With the advent of new surgical techniques to treat Peyronie’s disease with concomitant erectile dysfunction, there remains a question of whether manual modeling (MM), an older technique, still has a place in the treatment algorithm within penile prosthesis (PP) surgery. While the implantation of a PP often corrects moderate to severe curvature, penile curvature can remain greater than 30°, even when concurrent MM is performed during prothesis implantation. There are new variations of the MM technique that have been recently utilized in the intraoperative and postoperative setting to achieve penile curvature less than 30° when the implant is fully inflated. The inflatable PP, regardless of the specific model of choice, is preferred over the noninflatable PP when utilizing the MM technique. MM should be the first line of treatment for persisting intraoperative penile curvature after the placement of a PP due to its long-term efficacy, noninvasive approach, and significantly low risk of adverse effects.

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Fig. 1: Penile curvature of 90° was appreciated prior to IPP implant (left picture).

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All data analyzed during this study are included in this published article. The data in this paper can be found by searching the listed references on PubMed.


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The authors wish to thank Scott Bailey, PhD, for his efforts in editing this manuscript.

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Conceived and/or designed the work that led to the submission, acquired data, and/or played an important role in interpreting the results: WJC, BJH, WJGH. Drafted or revised the manuscript: WJC, BJH. Approved the final version: WJGH. Agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved: WJGH.

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Correspondence to Wayne J. G. Hellstrom.

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Conlon, W.J., Herzog, B.J. & Hellstrom, W.J.G. Residual penile curvature correction by modeling during penile prosthesis implantation in Peyronie’s disease patients. Int J Impot Res 35, 639–642 (2023).

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