Correction to: Genetics in Medicine; published online 15 January 2019

The original version of this article contained a typographical error in Eq. 2. The summation in the equation should run up to \(\mu = 6\), and so Eq. 2 should have read

$$\lambda ^{\left( i \right)}\left( t \right) = \lambda _0\left( t \right){\mathrm{exp}}\left( {\mathop {\sum }\limits_{\mu = 1}^6 \left( {\beta _{MG\mu }\left( t \right) + \mathop {\sum }\limits_\rho {\boldsymbol{\beta }}_{RF\rho \mu }\left( t \right) \cdot {\boldsymbol{z}}_{RF\rho }^{\left( i \right)}} \right)\mathop {\prod }\limits_{\nu = 1}^{\mu - 1} \left( {1 - G_\nu ^{\left( i \right)}} \right)G_\mu ^{\left( i \right)} + \beta _{PG}\left( t \right)x_P^{\left( i \right)}} \right),$$

where \(\mu = 6\) corresponds to a noncarrier of pathogenic variants in the major genes, with \(\beta _{MG6}\left( t \right) = 0\), and \(G_6^{\left( i \right)} = 1\) for noncarriers of pathogenic variants, and 0 otherwise. All presented results and conclusions were based on the correct version of the equation and are not influenced by this typographical error.

This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article. The authors regret this error.