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Food and health

Metabolic response to amylose-rich wheat-based rusks in overweight individuals



The amylose-amylopectin ratio influences starch properties. A higher amylose content is associated with slower starch digestion thus reducing the postprandial plasma glucose response and improving the overall postprandial metabolism. So far, limited evidence is available on the metabolic effect of wheat-based foods rich in amylose. This randomised controlled study investigated the acute metabolic effects of amylose-rich wheat-based rusks in overweight subjects focusing on potential mechanisms.


Ten overweight subjects consumed in random order two test meals differing only in the carbohydrate source: rusks prepared with amylose-rich wheat flour (ARR) or conventional wheat flour (control). Blood samples were taken at fasting and over 4 h after the meal. Satiety and intestinal fermentation were evaluated by VAS and H2-breath test, respectively.


ARR reduced plasma glucose response during the first two hours after the meal and the desire to eat, and increased breath hydrogen concentration at 4 h (p < 0.05 for all). Moreover, according to computational models, the ARR slightly reduced intestinal glucose absorption in the first hour after the meal and increased the overall postprandial insulin sensitivity.


Rusks made with amylose-rich flour could be useful for improving postprandial glucose metabolism and reduce the desire to eat, thus possibly contributing to the prevention and treatment of overweight/obesity, impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes.

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We gratefully acknowledge Barilla for manufacturing test products, and Dr Angela Giacco for skilful dietary assistance.

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Vetrani, C., Sestili, F., Vitale, M. et al. Metabolic response to amylose-rich wheat-based rusks in overweight individuals. Eur J Clin Nutr 72, 904–912 (2018).

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