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Molecular Diagnostics

Landscape of prognostic signatures and immunogenomics of the AXL/GAS6 axis in renal cell carcinoma



Cabozantinib is an oral tyrosine kinase inhibitor in renal cell carcinoma (RCC), whose targets include oncogenic AXL and unique ligand GAS6. Critical gaps in basic knowledge need to be addressed to devise an exclusive biomarker and candidate when targeting the AXL/GAS6 axis.


To clarify the effects of the AXL/GAS6 axis on RCC, we herein performed a large-scale immunogenomic analysis and single-cell counts including various metastatic organs and histological subtypes of RCC. We further applied genome-wide mutation analyses and methylation arrays.


Varying patterns of AXL and GAS6 expression were observed throughout primary RCC tumours and metastases. Scoring individual AXL/GAS6 levels in the tumour centre and invasive margin, namely, the AXL/GAS6 score, showed a good ability to predict the prognosis of clear cell RCC. Metastasis- and histological subtype-specific differences in the AXL/GAS6 score existed since lung metastasis and the papillary subtype were weakly related to the AXL/GAS6 axis. Cell-by-cell immunohistological assessments clarified an immunosuppressive environment in tumours with high AXL/GAS6 scores. Genomic alterations in the PI3K-mTOR pathway and DNA methylation profiling revealed distinct differences with the AXL/GAS6 score in ccRCC.


The AXL/GAS6 scoring system could predict the outcome of prognosis and work as a robust biomarker for the immunogenomic state in RCC.

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Fig. 1: Quantitative AXL and GAS6 evaluation and patient survival in ccRCC.
Fig. 2: Assessment of the AXL/GAS6 score and outcome of prognosis in ccRCC.
Fig. 3: Immunohistological assessment of the AXL/GAS6 score and tumour immune microenvironment.
Fig. 4: Metastasis-specific differences in AXL/GAS6 distribution and the tumour immune microenvironment.
Fig. 5: Somatic genomic alterations and methylation profiles related to the AXL/GAS6 axis.

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This study was supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI 20K18125 to KH; 18H04906, 18K19482 and 19H03792 to NT; 18K09150 to TS and 18H02939 to MO), the Takeda Science Foundation (NT), the Kobayashi Foundation for Cancer Research (NT), the SGH Cancer Research Grant (NT) and the Keio Gijuku Academic Development Funds (NT).

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NT, RM and MO designed the study. KH, KT, RT, YY and SM performed the experiments. EA and HN performed genome sequencing. TS, KK, TK, FM and TT provided conceptual advice. KH and NT wrote the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Nobuyuki Tanaka.

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All procedures were performed in approval of the Research Ethics Committee of Keio University (Approval Nos.: 20180098 and 20190059) and in compliance with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and present ethical standards. The samples were residual from a clinical examination without using any identifiable information of the individuals or the application of any intervention. Participation in the study was optional. Both written informed consent and passive (opt-out) informed consent procedures have been applied to the experimental use of human samples. Opt-out informed consent from patients was obtained by exhibiting the research information on our department website (Department of Urology, Keio University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan). All participant patients or families of deceased patients could withdraw consent by contacting the researcher with a 24-h phone number. The need to obtain written informed consent was waived if patients had finished their follow-up or had died, due to the study’s observational nature and the urgent need for cancer patient care. This was approved and reviewed by the Research Ethics Committee of Keio University, in accordance with the ethical guidelines for Medical and Health Research Involving Human Subjects (Public Notice of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as of July 2018;

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Hakozaki, K., Tanaka, N., Takamatsu, K. et al. Landscape of prognostic signatures and immunogenomics of the AXL/GAS6 axis in renal cell carcinoma. Br J Cancer 125, 1533–1543 (2021).

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