Compiled by Helen Nield

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Editors: Lee W. Graber, Katherine W. L. Vig, Greg J. Huang, Padhraig S. Fleming; 2023; Elsevier; pp 978; hard copy;

ISBN: 978-0-323-77859-6

figure 1

‘Orthodontics has undergone seemingly relentless growth and refinement in recent years. The past two decades…have been punctuated by an emphasis on refinement of appliances, to improve both experience and esthetics; a drive to reduce treatment times… and renewed efforts to circumvent suboptimal compliance and to reduce the need for extractions.'

The seventh edition of this popular textbook comes seven years after the sixth incarnation. It is dedicated to Robert L. Vanarsdall, Jr one of its previous long-time editors who passed away in 2017 and a potted biography of him is included. He is replaced on the editorial team by Professor Fleming, Chair of Orthodontics at Trinity College, Dublin.

A number of chapters are only available in a shortened form of one or two pages in the hard copy publication with the full chapters accessible online. These are a new chapter on the History of Orthodontics by David Turpin and Norman Wahl, a new chapter on Aerosols in this post-COVID era, a chapter on Standard Edgewise and three classic chapters on Interceptive Guidance, Functional Appliances and Treatment of the Face with Biocompatible Orthodontics. These online sections are linked to a code that is only accessible through an individual's Elsevier account so not available for anybody borrowing this book from a library or shared from a colleague.

Other additions to this edition include chapters on artificial intelligence, maxillary expansion in adults and autotransplantation. To ensure that the information is up to date several other chapters have been differently authored, including those on the periodontal-orthodontic interface and accelerated tooth movement.

Split into six sections covering the Foundation of Orthodontics, Diagnosis and Treatment Planning, Orthodontic Treatment, Specialized Treatment Considerations, Orthodontic Retention and Posttreatment Changes and Classic Chapters it is an extremely comprehensive text.


Editors: Alberto Monje and Hom-Lay Wang; 2022; Quintessence Publishing; pp 836; hard copy;

ISBN: 978-8-489-87389-6

figure 2

‘Implant dentistry has been regarded as a revolutionary breakthrough in view of the improvements in quality of life it offers, in particular for patients with impaired mastication or major esthetic challenges. Nevertheless, clinicians and patients have neglected to adequately take into account the complications that may occur…biologic complications are regarded as the leading cause of implant failure.'

This enormous textbook, one of the very few to deal with the subject of peri-implantitis, boasts a roster of 39 authors of chapters including Daniel Buser, Richard J. Miron, Myron Nevins, Stefan Renvert, Istvan Urban, Anton Sculean and Giovanni Zucchelli. In his preface, Myron Nevins explains that the editors have ‘engaged surgical and prosthetic thought leaders to share their methods ranging from prevention to regeneration'.

The text is split into 22 chapters each of which contains a list of learning objectives. The first chapter looks at the scope of the problem with a look back at how the terminology and understanding of peri-implant diseases has evolved and assessing current evidence on aetiology and pathogenesis. Subsequent chapters cover diagnosis, morphology and phenotyping, soft and hard tissue dimensions in health and disease, local and systemic confounders, genetic susceptibility, primary and secondary prevention, surgical and non-surgical management, reconstruction, soft tissue conditioning, the use of biologic agents, soft tissue dehiscences and finishing up with a chapter looking at future perspectives. The latter, written by Fernando Suárez López del Amo concludes by saying that ‘Further understanding on the etiology and contributing factors associated with peri-implantitis will lead to greater success in terms of prevention and rescue treatment'.

Such a large and all-encompassing book really needs an index but sadly one is not provided.

Nevertheless, as you would expect from Quintessence it is full of clear images, diagrams and tables and covers the subject in a wealth of detail.


Gaetano Isola, Simona Santonocito, Rosalia Leonardi and Alessandro Polizzi; 2023; Springer; pp 240; hard copy [available as eBook on request];

ISBN: 978-3-031-29764-9

figure 3

‘The current lack of clarity and standardization in diagnosis and treatment seems to contribute to the unimproved prevalence of oral squamous cell carcinoma and its high mortality, and the general low awareness of potentially malignant oral disorders.'

This is possibly the only textbook for clinicians that concentrates solely on oral lichen planus. It has been written by a team of Italian authors based at the University of Catania. Its six chapters provide a complete overview of the disorder comprising a short historical introduction and a one-page section on epidemiology before exploring the aetiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of this disease.

Far and away the largest section is that on diagnosis which covers amongst other topics the clinical classification of OLP lesions, diagnostic criteria and definitive OLP diagnosis and differential diagnosis. The chapter on therapy explores a wide range of options and their effectiveness: glucocorticoids, immunomodulating agents, vitamin complexes, nutraceuticals, monoclonal antibodies and non-pharmacological therapies. It does end with the sobering statement that ‘to date there is no treatment capable of bringing the patient to complete recovery'.

Giuseppina Campisi in her Foreword believes that this text should ‘help all young practitioners orient themselves in dealing with such a complex issue'. It should in fact give all dental practitioners a more in depth understanding of the complexities involved in this disorder.


Brad W. Neville, Douglas D. Damm, Carl M. Allen and Angela C. Chi; 2023; Elsevier; pp 992; hard copy;

ISBN: 978-0-323-78981-3

figure 4

‘The first edition of this textbook was published 29 years ago in 1995. At that time, we never could have dreamed that we would still be involved in writing updates of this text nearly three decades later.'

Over 60 pages and 152 new images have been added to the new edition of this well-known oral pathology textbook. As well as updating existing topics new information has been added on molar root-incisor malformation, foreign body gingivitis, peri-implant diseases, COVID-19, lichenoid and granulomatous stomatitis, ectomesenchymal chondromyxoid tumour, central xanthoma of the jaws and primordial odontogenic tumour. The chapter on forensic dentistry has been updated by Dr Edward E. Herschaft, a Diplomate of the American Boards of Oral Medicine and Forensic Odontology.

The book is wide ranging and consists of 19 chapters finishing with that on forensic dentistry. They cover developmental defects, abnormalities of teeth, pulpal and periapical disease, periodontal diseases, bacterial infections, fungal and protozoal diseases, viral infections, physical and chemical injuries, allergies and immunologic diseases, epithelial pathology, salivary gland pathology, soft tissue tumours, haematologic disorders, bone pathology, odontogenic cysts and tumours, dermatologic diseases, oral manifestations of systemic diseases and facial pain and neuromuscular diseases. There is an extremely clear and comprehensive 22-page appendix of charts covering the differential diagnosis of oral and maxillofacial diseases. The authors state that ‘Unfortunately, the clinical presentation of many disease processes can be strikingly similar, despite their vast differences in etiology and pathogenesis'. This appendix aims to expedite and facilitate the diagnostic process ‘from a clinical perspective'.

Each chapter finishes up with an extensive bibliography instead of in-text references and the book is rounded off with a useful index.