Lingual braces are an exceptional treatment option that provide the aesthetic benefits that patients crave, yet they're still not commonly chosen by patients. Build your offering and take part in the Lingual Braces course with the IAS Academy.

Across the programme you'll receive expert insight on the entire treatment process, gaining a comprehensive understanding of lingual mechanics and how to provide treatments that last. An extensive hands-on session helps attendees apply their theoretical knowledge to stay aptly prepared for real-world cases. Support is offered throughout by experienced clinicians that are ready for any question and query.

The course lecturer is Asif Chatoo who opened The London Lingual Orthodontic Clinic, the first UK-based clinic dedicated to lingual treatments, nearly 20 years ago. His body of work makes him an acclaimed expert in the field and a well-respected educator at the IAS Academy.

To learn more about expanding your aesthetic orthodontic treatments, and the exceptional training you'll receive, contact the IAS Academy team today.

For more information on upcoming IAS Academy training courses, visit or call 01932 336470 (Press 1).