Impress is the largest invisible orthodontics chain in Europe, specialising in invisible orthodontics with a philosophy that combines health with innovative technology. It uses advanced digital imaging and planning tools to design and manufacture custom clear aligners with a high degree of precision.

Founded in 2019, Impress is the leading provider of orthodontic clinics in Europe and is now present in multiple countries including Spain, Portugal, Italy, UK, France, Germany, Ukraine, as well as in the USA. It combines exceptional medical care and digitisation of the patient journey, resulting in an outstanding patient experience.

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Impress has more than 500 professional medical staff led by senior orthodontists who diagnose, plan, and monitor treatments. By using innovative technology to design and manufacture clear aligners it's able to offer a more efficient and accurate treatment option for patients, and the use of digital tools allows for faster turnaround times and reduced costs - making clear aligners more accessible to a wider range of patients.

Its online tools - such as patient portals, texting, and email communication - make it more convenient for patients to communicate with their dental provider, as they can ask questions, schedule appointments, and receive reminders through these digital channels. Impress's fast and accurate diagnosis and treatment using technology such as intraoral scanners, x-rays, mobile app and treatment planning software improve diagnosis accuracy and speed up treatment times. This greatly benefits patients by reducing the time and discomfort associated with traditional methods, such as impressions and x-ray film.

It recently announced its acquisition of London based invisible aligner brand, Diamond Whites, and this acquisition will allow Impress and Diamond Whites to combine talent and operations to offer the best orthodontic patient experience in the UK. The clinical offering available to patients will consist of a true hybrid model - combining Impress's experienced orthodontists and sleek system of operations, with Diamond White's high rating and notoriety in the UK as a leading oral care brand.