One thing you can rely on is the service offered by specialist dental indemnity provider Howden.

Choose Howden for contractual cover and policies that are broad and inclusive, also the reassurance that you will have the right people on your side, when you need them most.

Protect your career, livelihood and wellbeing for whatever might come your way. In the event of a claim being made against you, a policy with Howden means having Confidence of Cover that is Cost-competitive - the 3 Cs!

Don't have sleepless nights because you were unprepared. No matter what stage you are at in your career, or the type of dentistry you practise, you can feel secure with Howden.

For added value, Howden offer clients access to medico-legal and mental wellbeing helplines, if you need advice or just want to vent.

Switching is easy, and Howden have a ten-year run off for work completed.

Get in touch today, for a free, no-obligation quote. For more information, visit or call 020 3918 9127.