Have you been confronted with a challenging case where your patient requires zygomatic implants? They are in safe hands when you refer them to the team at the Centre for Oral-Maxillofacial and Dental Implant Reconstruction, a ZAGA centre based in Manchester.

Led by Professor Cemal Ucer, a specialist oral surgeon, the highly skilled team are able to take on cases with insufficient residual bone in the maxilla for conventional implant treatment. The practice team have many years of experience between them, so rest assured that your patients will be in expert hands throughout the entire process.

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The Centre is able to provide all stages of zygomatic implant treatment, including implant placement surgery and any required prosthetic work. The Centre even gives you the option to request a surgeon to come to your clinic to perform the surgery and place the implants - this will allow you the opportunity to observe and learn, and will mean your patient can remain at your clinic throughout the procedure.

Get in touch today to refer your patients to the only certified ZAGA experts in Manchester.

For referrals or training opportunities in maxillary sinus grafting and or ZAGA Zygomatic Implant techniques, contact Professor Ucer at cemal.ucer@icedental.institute or Mel Hay at mel@mdic.co. Call 01612 371842 or visit www.ucer-clinic.dental.