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Web search engines reveal conflicting information about water fluoridation


Aim To evaluate web search engines' informational content regarding community water fluoridation (CWF) when accessed from the UK.

Methods The search engine result pages (SERPs) regarding CWF from Google were identified, the content was analysed for themes and sentiments, and Google Trends information on CWF was examined.

Results The SERPs were predominantly in favour of CWF. Anti-fluoridation themes were observed in SERPs that presented the arguments supporting and opposing CWF with equanimity, irrespective of the quality of scientific evidence. Hence, a web search for CWF yields conflicting information. Correlation is observed between current affairs and public interest in CWF.

Conclusion UK residents seeking online CWF advice may experience confusion due to the prevalent conflicting information, which may influence their decision-making. Dental health professionals, public health practitioners and policymakers should strive to improve the information provision on CWF online.

Key points

  • Web searching provides conflicting information on community water fluoridation.

  • No association was found between publisher type and language sentiment of search results.

  • Google Trend peaks correspond with news/events regarding water fluoridation in media.

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Teesside University, Middlesbrough, UK supported this research study. We would like to thank Mr Pratik Wasnikar for helping with the design of Figure 3 and Mr Shubhankar Chanda for helping us make the figures in this document print-worthy.

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Priyanka V. Vasantavada, Fatemeh V. Zohoori and Roy Sanderson conceived and designed the study; Fatemeh V. Zohoori supervised the project with help from Roy Sanderson and Louisa Ells; Priyanka V. Vasantavada analysed the data and Fatemeh V. Zohoori and Roy Sanderson contributed to the interpretation of the findings; Priyanka V. Vasantavada and Fatemeh V. Zohoori took the lead in writing the manuscript. All authors read, provided critical feedback and approved the submitted paper.

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Correspondence to Fatemeh V. Zohoori.

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Vasantavada, ., Sanderson, R., Ells, L. et al. Web search engines reveal conflicting information about water fluoridation. Br Dent J (2022).

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