Blue Monday, the third Monday in January, is said to be the most depressing day of the calendar year due to the post-Christmas financial and wellbeing hangover and the fact that the dark nights are long. Summer seems a long way off.

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However, January is also the first anniversary of the launch of the Wellbeing guide for dental teams, designed to turn Blue Monday around and make it a day to focus on your wellbeing.

Since creation, the wellbeing guide has had over 10,000 page views and has been downloaded over 4,000 times. Feedback using the form on the site suggested adding more resources around menopause and these have since been added. The guide was created for all dental team members and improved by users.

The Wellbeing guide for dental teamsoutlines how to assess your own mental health and wellbeing and provides resources for self-care, including the range of organisations available to support you.

For a variety of reasons, there has traditionally been a reluctance amongst the dental profession to speak about and seek support for their personal problems, including mental health. It is time to put an end to that.

The guide can be downloaded at:

For more information visit:

Users are encouraged to share the URL and link to it from your practice or organisation's website.

Do be sure to feedback about any improvements or additions you would like to see, and your ideas may be incorporated in the next update.