The choice of materials in dentistry is seemingly endless. Patients have become more demanding and regulations have become stricter making running a successful practice a bigger challenge than ever before.

In response to these challenges, for five evenings in November GC Europe brought together dental experts to present a special online congress 'Sharing 100 years of experience - towards simplification in dentistry' which attracted over 8,500 delegates from around the world. The congress formed part of the 100th anniversary of the GC Corporation.

With a greater focus on tooth preservation and improved, more durable dental materials, many more patients can be given a healthy smile for a lifetime. The congress offered practical tips, diagnostic tools and straightforward recommendations to give clear guidance to enable practitioners to move forward with confidence to give the very best care to their patients.

This congress, together with all the latest GC webinars, are available to watch on demand at

For further information contact GC UK on 01908 218999, email or visit