Sir, I would like to congratulate Professor Liz Kay on her splendid Presidential address (BDJ 2021; 231: 264-265). Her theme of 'admiration and respect' for our work as dentists is absolutely 'on the button' and has been a particular mantra of mine for some time.

I have been a very happy practising dentist for many years and over the last decade or so, I have had the privilege to present the endodontic lecture slot to the local foundation dentists.

During this presentation, I encourage a lot of interaction and role play with particular regard to how challenging it can be to see a new patient who has come to see you suffering from intense pulpal pain, who has been awake all night, whose last experience of dentistry was 'bad' and who is terrified. The clinician has to arrive at a correct diagnosis, effect good local anaesthesia and carry out a very demanding technical procedure. Which other healthcare worker faces that degree of challenge? I think not many, if any. Well done dentists, we are doing one hell of a job!