1943 - 2021

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Professor Michael Lennon OBE died aged 78 on 9 April. He qualified from Liverpool Dental School in 1966 and shortly afterwards gained the Diploma in Public Dentistry from Dundee University. He was appointed by the University of Manchester as a Lecturer in Periodontology and Dental Public Health, becoming Senior Lecturer in Community Dentistry in 1980. Together with Professor Phil Holloway he developed undergraduate training outside the dental school. This 'outreach' approach has now been adopted by every dental school in the country. They were co-directors of the trial of capitation for the Department of Health. With enthusiasm for evidence-based dentistry, the aspect of education that he most enjoyed was postgraduate supervision. He had a challenging but supportive approach, which brought out the best in his students.

In 1985, he became the first Regional Dental Officer (part-time) for the North-Western Regional Health Authority, becoming a committed advocate for water fluoridation. He was Chairman of the British Fluoridation Society, a position he held from 1987-2012.

In 1989, Mike was appointed by the University of Liverpool to a Chair in Periodontology and Preventive Dentistry, subsequently re-titled Dental Public Health. On retirement he was appointed Emeritus Professor.

In 2003, he moved to the University of Sheffield to a Chair in Dental Public Health role, to establish and manage Sheffield's outreach programme, retiring in 2009. His immense commitment to Dental Public Health continued until prevented by ill-health. He published over 100 articles in refereed journals on topics including fluoridation, fluoridated milk, periodontal epidemiology, development of new practices, and capitation. His concern about social injustice and health inequalities influenced much of his research.

In 2010, he became Editor of Community Dental Health, the journal of the British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry, hugely time-consuming work which he performed with distinction until 2016. A founder member of BASCD, he served the Association as secretary, 1977-1981, and President 1984-1985. His contribution to oral health was recognised with the award of the OBE in the Queen's 80th Birthday Honours List.

Away from work his interests included classical music, and Everton FC. His busy professional life would not have been possible without the support of his wife Gill, whom he met at Liverpool Dental School. They celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary in December 2019.

We extend condolences to Gill, their four children and nine grandchildren on the loss of a remarkable, lovable, and irreplaceable man.

Geoff Taylor