Marielle Kabban, a Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, has been appointed as the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry's (BSPD's) new Safeguarding Representative.

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Dr Kabban has been a passionate advocate for child safeguarding since early in her career. She worked for ten years in the community service in South London and for a time was the dental safeguarding lead for that service.

Her next role was at King's College Hospital Dental School where she worked as a Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry, also taking on the lead safeguarding role. She recently accepted the new consultant position at Guy's and St Thomas'.

As BSPD's safeguarding representative, Dr Kabban is taking over from Jenny Harris. A member of BSPD's executive committee, Dr Harris has made it her mission to ensure that the safeguarding of children is integral to dentistry and that all members of the dental team are supported with training and resources to take on this sometimes challenging task.

It is thanks to connections Dr Harris made that the BSPD is represented at the NSPCC Health Liaison Committee and Dr Kabban takes on this responsibility as part of the BSPD safeguarding remit. She will continue as a trainer on the Child Protection Recognition and Response Course, run by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

Dr Kabban said: 'I am excited and honoured to be taking on this role. Whilst I have big shoes to fill, [Jenny Harris] has already given me a great deal of support and remains a much-valued mentor'.