Bhatt M, MacDonald D, Coil J, Chehroudi B, Esteves A. Clinical decision making and importance of the AAOMR/AAE position statement for CBCT examination in endodontic cases. Int Endod J 2020; DOI: 10.1111/iej.13397. Online ahead of print.

CBCT examinations were prescribed mainly to assist treatment-planning rather than for diagnosis and the majority were performed on previously root-filled teeth.

This study compared conventional radiographic and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) findings with reference to the American Association of Endodontics and American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology position statement. CBCT scans of patients, treated at the University of the British Columbia, were reviewed for CBCT referrals by comparing it with corresponding radiographs. The features considered were periapical lesions, missed/extra canals, root fractures, complex anatomy, calcified canals and root resorption. A total of 128 CBCT examinations were performed. Overall, 76% of CBCTs were performed on previously root-filled teeth. CBCT images revealed a significantly higher incidence of periapical lesions, missed canals and vertical root fractures than periapical radiographs. CBCT was prescribed most frequently to assist surgical treatment planning rather than for generating or confirming diagnoses.