Matter of record

Arising from Letter Br Dent J 2020; 228: 734.

It has been brought to our attention by a correspondent that the reference published in this letter refers to a pilot study that does not report on any virus including coronavirus. In correspondence with the author, Dr R. Saravanamuttu, he has stated 'At no point in my letter did I say there was firm evidence (that would require a proper clinical trial) that such a mouthwash would eliminate the spread of the COVID virus, but that this measure in dental practice was worthy of consideration in reducing risk.'

We are satisfied that the author acted in good faith in the early stages of helping to deal with the pandemic in suggesting to colleagues that they might consider that the said mouthwash may be of value. We would like to apologise to any reader who may feel that they have been misled, inconvenienced or otherwise troubled in any way by the quoting of this reference in this context. This is the only correspondence we have received in relation to this letter and the matter is now closed.