When failure is not an option, discover the strength of everX Flow, a short-fibre, reinforced flowable composite designed to replace dentine and reinforce even the largest restorations while simultaneously preventing them from cracking. Thanks to its incredible strength, easy application and two shades for every clinical need, everX Flow is the ideal choice for any restoration needing a strong core and for core build-up preparations.

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Offering high wear resistance and superb aesthetics, what makes everX Flow stand apart is its excellent fracture toughness, close to that of dentine, due to the high amount of short fibres strongly bonded to the resin matrix. Its thixotropic viscosity allows it to adapt perfectly to the cavity floor without slumping, even when placed in upper molars.

everX Flow's Bulk shade offers a depth cure of 5.5 mm, ideal for deep posterior cavities, while the Dentine shade has a depth cure of 2 mm for highly aesthetic results and core build-up.

To find out more contact GC UK Ltd on 01908 218999, email info.uk@gc.dental or visit www.gceurope.com.