Enthusiastic about a metal-free alternative for removable partial dentures (RPD), visitors to the British Dental Conference and Dentistry Show 2019 headed for the Solvay Dental 360 stand.

Here, delegates saw the quality of digitally designed RPD frames made from Ultaire AKP - a custom-developed material that is strong, biocompatible, lightweight and taste free.

Ultaire AKP is a high performance polymer that improves the patient experience with secure retention, increased comfort and enhanced aesthetics.

If you didn't get to the show this year, but would like to know more about metal-free RPDs, contact Solvay Dental 360 now. To book a Solvay Dental 360 Professional Lunch and Learn or to find more information about Ultaire AKP and Dentivera milling discs, visit www.solvaydental360.com.