Image Navigation has announced what it describes as the world's most advanced image-guided implant dentistry system, at the recent 2019 IDS in Cologne, Germany.

This new image-guided implant (IGI) system extends the use of CBCT scanners to include intra-surgical navigation and has real-time, speed of light, tracking with no on-screen lag.

It also has sub-millimetre accuracy and a robotic auto-stop for maximum safety where the drill motor stops automatically and instantly turns off the drill if it is placed outside of the planned surgical area.

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Lawrence Obstfeld, Chief Executive Officer of Image Navigation, developer of the world's leading dental navigation technology, said: 'Our new system seamlessly integrates the advantages of freehand surgery, including unfettered vision of the surgical site, retention of the surgeon's tactile feel and the application of intra-surgical clinical judgment.'

The last few years have seen new opportunities open up in dentistry with significant growth in the dental implant market combined with technological improvements and cost reductions.

It is estimated that more than eight million dental implants were placed in patients across the world in 2018. In the UK, there were an estimated 260,000 implants in 2018 which is double the number from five years ago.

When using the IGI system, the dental surgeon views the tip of the drill and the pre-operative plan both superimposed onto a 3-dimensional CT scan that displays the bone, adjacent teeth, nerve canal, roots and sinus area.

The IGI's on-screen display has a unique fluent tracking system with zero latency. It adds real-time navigated digital surgery to digital imaging, digital planning, and digital restorations.

Mr Obstfeld added: 'The surgeon is able to monitor the drilling path on-screen and make precise adjustments to ensure the most accurate dental implant placement during surgery.'