Here we take a look at what's been published in our sister publication, BDJ Team, that you may have missed!

I was attacked by a patient

Cokayne H. BDJ Team 2024; 11: 67-69.

figure 1

The February issue of BDJ Team featured a personal account called ‘I was attacked by a patient', written by dental therapist Hayley Cokayne. Hayley was a final year dental therapy student on placement when a patient assaulted her within seconds of entering the room, punching her head and face. The resulting stress led to Hayley missing her final month of university and an acute flare up of alopecia so that she lost all her hair.

Hayley has since picked herself up and is working full time as a dental therapist. By writing in BDJ Team she hopes to pass on safety advice to other dental professionals.

To read the article visit

Two products I cannot live without…

Pivoda L. BDJ Team 2024; 11: 118-119.

figure 2

The March issue of BDJ Team featured the first part in a new series of articles about dental professionals' favourite dental products. Here, dental therapist Lorena Pivoda sings the praises of rubber dam and metal clamps.

Lorena says: ‘Personally, using dental dam means that I provide gold standard treatment. It provides an aseptic environment; improves access and the visibility of my working field; and it makes my dentistry brilliantly, satisfyingly safer!'

Illustrated with vivid pink examples of rubber dam, the article also provides tips for accurate dental photography during treatments using rubber dam and metal clamps - and for clamp placement. Lorena remarks: ‘I find it easier to place my clamp on the rubber dam and apply it to the tooth all in one go. Some clinicians prefer to place the clamp first, followed by the rubber dam stretched over the clamp. Both ways work beautifully, however you must ensure you floss between the teeth for a smooth transition.'

To read the article visit