Sir, living in the year 2023, topics like artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT cannot be missed in our life and conversations between our pals. Not embedded in most curricula and modules in an undergraduate dental programme, here are some suggestions of how to utilise ChatGPT from a dental student's point of view.

1. Access to information

Dental students can ask a big number of questions to ChatGPT to get information. You can ask questions on anatomy, dental procedures, and others. In this way, the students can get an instant response at ease which can help them learn more effectively and smoothly. One example, students can ask ChatGPT 'What are the indications for root canal treatment?' ChatGPT can give detailed information about this procedure, and even answer subsequent questions to get even more information.

2. Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills

ChatGPT can help dental students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Dental students can start asking open-ended questions. The response from ChatGPT can guide students to look at the problem from different perspectives and may develop innovation. For example, dental students can ask 'What are the treatment options for patients having severe dental anxiety?' ChatGPT may provide a list of alternative treatments like the use of sedation, cognitive-behavioural therapy, or referral to a hospital-based dental setting. The response from ChatGPT can encourage dental students to think critically and weigh the pros and cons of each option.

3. Collaborative work using ChatGPT

Dental students can create group chats embedding ChatGPT by using programs like Microsoft Teams. They can discuss and clarify complex dental problems and procedures, provide information based on new research in the area, and more.

4. Preparation for examinations

ChatGPT can help dental students prepare for examinations and be more confident about them. For example, dental students can request questions and be provided with answers for many subjects, even requesting explanations for the answers given. With this tool, dental students can prepare for examinations with more confidence.

With the continuous improvement we see with ChatGPT, dental students should use this opportunity to use this technology and continue improving themselves. This AI is far more capable than just using it to complete assignments given by lecturers. Universities too should also adapt to a new system with the presence of AI tools in our academic life.

Ahmad Badruddin Ghazali, Malaysia, via email