Hany M. A. Ahmed and Paul M. H. Dummer (editors)

2022; John Wiley & Sons

834 pages

eISBN 9781119553793

figure 1

Endodontic Advances and Evidence-Based Clinical Guidelines provides a comprehensive and up-to-date description of recent research findings and their impact on clinical practice. Divided into four parts, the book first addresses new research findings and advances in technology, techniques, materials, and clinical management. In addition, it provides revised clinical guidelines for a variety of areas within the specialty, such as endodontic diagnosis, treatment planning, management of endodontic emergencies, regenerative endodontic procedures, three-dimensional imaging, and the use of systemic antibiotics. Each chapter contains illustrations and clinical cases highlighting current research directions, key concepts, and new trends in clinical techniques and education. The book covers a wide range of topics, including management of root canals, repair of perforation defects, removal of root filling materials, and alternatives to root canal treatment.

This format will enable undergraduate and postgraduate students, general dental practitioners, specialists, and clinical and non-clinical scientists to update their knowledge and engage with advanced treatment modalities that will have a significant, positive impact on patient management and treatment outcomes.