The BDA is calling on final year dental students to take part in a survey to understand the experience of borrowing and debt among final year dental students in the UK. The BDA is concerned about levels of study-related debt among final year students and newly trained graduates and the impact this debt has.

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Your response will shape the vital work we undertake on your behalf. Help provide us with an insight into your study-related financial circumstances and the impact they have on you and your studies. These data collected will be used to inform the BDA campaign activity to support the continuance of the NHS Bursary, campaign for better terms for student loans, to help us to represent your interests more effectively and improve the benefits and services that the BDA provides to students.

It takes just 15-20 minutes to complete and everyone who completes the survey will go into a draw to win a £50 gift card.

Please also feel free to share the survey link with any other fellow final year dental students, as the more responses we get, the more robust our data can be, enabling us to better support you.

You can complete the survey at:

All data will be used for research purposes only and any information you provide will remain anonymous and confidential. Once collected it will not be possible to identify individuals in any research outputs and no personal information or details will be passed on to any third parties.

If you have any questions or would like more information about this research, please contact the Research Team at